Scott Carter

NMLS # 1391426


Scott Carter Mortgage Loan Advisor
A Bad Apple Helps Home Loan Rates

A Bad Apple Helps Home Loan Rates

"Workin' for a Livin"... Huey Lewis and the News  iPhone maker, Apple, was a downer this week as the company announced a surprisingly weak sales and earnings forecast for the first quarter of 2019. Stocks and interest rates fell on th

Jan 07, 2019 | Mortgage News

Financial Mistakes to Avoid When Building Wealth

Financial Mistakes to Avoid When Building Wealth

Financial success stories can be incredibly motivating. When we read an article or hear an interview about someone who went from zero to millionaire, it instills a sense of hope for achieving our own financial goals. With the blessing of hindsight in our

Jan 05, 2019 | Lifestyle

Mortgage Applications Rise as Interest Rates Fall

Mortgage Applications Rise as Interest Rates Fall

More Utahns applied for mortgage loans this week, according to the Mortgage Bankers Association, in response to a three-week trend of falling interest rates. The MBA's mortgage application volume index rose 2% from the week before but is still down 19

Jan 03, 2019 | Mortgage News

Ins and Outs of a Down Payment

Being able to purchase a home is often tied to how much of a down payment you have saved. If you have never bought a house before, you may not understand what a down payment is or why it is so important. Here are the basics you need to know as you save up

Jan 02, 2019 | Conventional Loans First-time Homebuyers VA Loans FHA Loans Interest Rates Home Buying or Selling

How to Save Money on the Things You Love the Most

How to Save Money on the Things You Love the Most

What’s the one thing you love the most? Is it your favorite pair of shoes that you dream about on your way home from work? Or maybe it’s your grande Starbucks one pump vanilla caramel macchiato? No matter what you’re passionate about, th

Dec 31, 2018 | Lifestyle

How Do Inquiries Affect My Credit Score?

How Do Inquiries Affect My Credit Score?

You have probably been cautioned that anytime your credit is checked your credit score is negatively impacted. While this issue is more complicated than it seems, there is some truth to this advice. Your credit score is affected in part by the number of i

Dec 30, 2018 | Credit