Archie W. Owen

NMLS # 2069038


Archie W. Owen Mortgage Loan Advisor

How Often Should You Share to Social Media?

How Often Should You Share to Social Media?

Have you ever had a jingle stuck in your head? Or perhaps you’re familiar with a slogan that you could start reciting and 90% of people could finish?

How do so many major brands manage to get their message stuck in our heads? You may have noticed, consciously or not, that their commercials play constantly on your TV, computer and other media to the point that you’ve probably memorized the ad!

As a real estate agent, you want your name to come to someone’s mind any time the topic of real estate comes up the same way we easily remember jingles and slogans. And one way you continually get your name out there should be through posting on social media.

But how often should you be posting? Where do we strike the balance between memorable and obnoxious? What is the optimal frequency for posting to social media?

Dan Wilkerson of LunaMetrics put it this way… “To ‘know’ the BEST is an impossibility. You can only predict and measure.”

That may not be a super clear cut answer, but as Dan explains in his article, there is no end-all be-all magical set of numbers that will have our social media platforms loaded with likes, followers, and re-tweets. We must predict, then measure the results and make adjustments.

Without research-backed data, predicting is about as effective as guessing. And guessing isn’t too far off of what most agents end up doing, but we don’t want you to be like most agents.

Below, you’ll find a summary for each major social media network covering the ideal posting frequency – based on actual studies by social media experts.


Posting Strategy:

Facebook is a low volume/high-value network. Don’t post too frequently, and make sure what you do post is of high quality.

HubSpot report indicated you should post one or fewer times per day if you have less than 10,000 followers. They found a decrease in engagement as smaller brands posted more often.

Recommended Frequency:

  • One post per day.
  • Best times: Sat/Sun and Thurs/Fri at 9am, 1pm, and 3pm.


Posting Strategy:

Instagram is a low volume/high-value network for feed posts and high-volume/low value for stories. You can share more in the stories format because of the way stories disappear after 24 hours.

There aren’t many studies about the ideal Instagram post frequency, but a recent Digg article claims 3 stories each day should be your target.

Recommended Frequency:

  • One to two posts per day.
  • Three stories per day
  • Best times: Mon & Thurs at 8-9am, 5pm, & 2am.


Posting Strategy:

Twitter is a high volume/low-value network. You can share more here because of the fast pace conversations happening.

Social Bakers released a report on Twitter with a random sampling of 11,000 tweets from major brands. The report concluded that three tweets per day is the point where brands see the most engagement.

Recommended Frequency:

  • Three tweets per day.
  • Best times: 12pm, 3pm, 5pm, & 6pm.


Posting Strategy:

LinkedIn is a low volume/high-value network. The best guideline for LinkedIn sharing comes from the site itself, which published a marketing report claiming 20 posts per month allows you to reach 60 percent of your audience.

Recommended Frequency:

  • One post per day
  • Best times: Tues, Wed, & Thurs at 7-8am, 12pm, and 5-6pm.


Posting Strategy:

Pinterest is a high volume/low-value network. A report from Piqora found many well-known brands were pinning 3 – 10 times per day.

Recommended Frequency:

  • Three plus pins per day.
  • Best times: Sat & Sun at 2pm, 9pm, & 2am.

Bottom Line

We hope this article can act as a guide to finding the right frequency for posting to the various social media sites listed, the important thing to remember is that there are no hard and fast rules. You must be willing to measure and adjust as needed.

Once you are posting at a consistent clip, you’ll need content to help fill out your platforms with a variety of material. Feel free to share Advanced Funding's content.

Source: Keeping Current Matters