Amber DeBirk

Mortgage Loan Advisor

NMLS# 306407


Amber DeBirk Mortgage Loan Advisor

Available Mortgage Credit Jumps to 10-Year High

Published on Nov 19, 2018 | Mortgage News
Available Mortgage Credit Jumps to 10-Year High
Available Mortgage Credit Jumps to 10-Year High

After falling in September, the amount of available mortgage credit jumped to a new post-housing crisis high in October, according to the Mortgage Bankers Association. The MBA’s Mortgage Credit Availability Index rose to 186.7, up 2.5% from 182.1 in September and up from 181 a year ago. An increase in the index indicates a loosening of mortgage credit standards. The jump was likely in response to a pickup in demand among first-time homebuyers. This is good news for Utah homebuyers.